Sunday, July 26, 2015


We embarked on our road to the Cliffs of Moher and encountered several toll bridges.  Surprise!  We stopped for (YET) another cup of coffee and had a "proud to be an American" moment when we ordered a white chocolate americano with room for cream.... we got the craziest look!  The guy working said "wouldn't that just be a mocha?" ...No.  A mocha is made with milk.  Americano is made with water.  Don't these Europeans know anything about coffee?    Later on in the car we keep saying "MERICA!!!" and giggling after we have funny moments like these (and there are way too many to count!)

ALL the fences around here are made out of stone.  Apparently the farmers used to burn their fields to prepare for next year's crop.  The stone walls keep the fire from traveling to the field next door!  Genius.

Many cars push their mirrors in when they park around here. 
Another small town pub in Doolin.  Perfect authentic Irish food and local live music.  It took us a little longer than we expected it would to eat (the place was super busy) so the race was on to catch the sunset at the cliffs when we left here!
Driving like a bat out of hell on the no-name backroad to catch the light 

As we pulled in, Alicia sprinted up a bazillion flights of stairs with camera gear and barely caught the sunset lighting up the cliff sides! 
If you're feeling tipsy after your pub visit read the sign..... 

Teaser: A few minutes after the sun set, Bre and Amy arrive fully garbed for a gorgeous twilight cliffside photo shoot

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